Billions of plastic micro beads in beauty products entering food chain every time you wash the products down the sink. The micro beads travel to the oceans get eaten by fish, fish get eaten by birds, humans andcountless other animal species across the world, industry has a lot to answer for, will they ever be accountable for their wreckless actions, abusing nature so blatantly for financial gain by corporations is inexcusable. Happy New Year Everyone.
i chortled at this juxtaposition.
concerning indeed, doublebar. is this issue being addressed at all?
I heard yesterday that Woolworths & Coles will be phasing out shelf products containing microbeads by 2017. 2017!!!!!???? Why aren't these products immediately removed from everywhere???? Has our corporate sector gone completely bonkers in their greed & irresponsibility????? Is there a case for detention & treatment orders being made for corporate executives who blatantly foist these products on our planet? There's certainly a case for a film production with the theme of a mad executive being in charge of a plot to wreck Earth!!