My friend and neighbour up the road, had a Barn Owl in his hay shed for years. I want one in our shed!!! Does anyone have a good idea, how I cancourage then to live in my shed!?! Should we cut a hole in the wall? Make some suggestions please! All ideas welcome!
rorry, should say: how I can encourage them...
Mice. Lots and lots of mice and rats. That should encourage them to come to your shed.
I do have lots of mice and huge rats! What else?
Araminta, be patient, one will turn up eventually, in the meantime, what about a carpet snake? We had one in the barn that did an excellent job, though it did eat some chickens occasionally. They are harmless and efficient. Our owls didn't take up residence in the barn either, they were partial to siting on a very tall post each evening spying out food. I've had Tawny Frogmouths and Powerful Owls around the last couple of weeks, they are partial to sitting on the clothesline to spy out food.
Hi Birdsong,we have all sorts of snakes everywhere, Tiger Browns, Red -bellied etc, you name them, we have got them. We don't mind the rats and the mice either, I just want a Barn Owl!! We have Owls aswell,I'm just beeing greedy, I want one to live in my shed! They sit in the tree infront of the house, they hunt from the roof, but reject the barn.
araminta we used to get barn owls at our old property but never in the shed. i think you also need somewhere with hay in the rafters for them to nest in - just a suggestion.
you need to leave somewhere for them to get inside and out again, like a hole for instance.
Cheers, Owen.
Thanks Owen, there is plenty of hay in the shed, and horse food. Maybe I can take one of the windows out? All good suggestions!Thanks!
Here is an excellent website to help you attract wildlife: Another fact to remember, wild animals do not usually sleep where they wish to eat, if the areas smells like the predator, the predated won't stay around. Even fruit eaters behave this way, you don't want the flying foxes to stay in your garden - grow something they like to eat and they go elsewhere to eat.
That's the bird you probably hear calling at night ML as described in your e-mail to me. An Eastern Barn Owl! :)
Thanks Akos,sounds "very" much like it! If it is a EBO, I could be in with a chance of her/him (?) getting into the hay shed? I would love that!