Channel Billed Cuckoo Or Koel?

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Michelle's picture
Channel Billed Cuckoo Or Koel?

Is it the CBCuckoo or the Koel that makes the haunting 'whoo-whup!' call?

I've been hearing them for about 3weeks now. From when I've seen them over the years I have always thought it was the CBCuckoo, but a friend is adamant it's the Koel.

Anyone know for sure??

birdie's picture

The koel makes a definite noise that is an ascending woo-eee like a coo -ee being called in the distance. they also switch to a wurrow wurrow sound.
The channel bill is a raucous squawk that is unmistakeable as a foreign noise. They go through the night with it too in the breeding season.
If you check out the bird ID pages on this site there wil be a sound byte there you can check


Sunshine Coast Queensland

Michelle's picture

Cheers birdie. I actually searched for a sound bite but didn't think to check here first. Doh.

I love their call. It makes me feel all Christmassie and full of love and goodwill etc etc :o) Then the first rain of the wet season arrives and I start digging out the Xmas decs!

My favourite thing to do is sit out the back with a cup of tea and some fruit cake and just listen to those calls. They make me feel so happy.

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