A good reason NOT to take you dog walking with you

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birdie's picture
A good reason NOT to take you dog walking with you

I had a very funny moment today with my walking partner, a lovely black Labrador with a very boisterous nature.
As we approached our usual "through the trees pathway" where I see lots of birds every day, I spotted a tiny fluffy noisy miner fledgling hopping and rolling over on the path. I tried unsuccessfully to pick the little chick up and resulted in the loud cheeping that brought every noisy miner in the neighbourhood down on us with wings and beaks cracking and flapping. I tied up the dog (or thought I had) and picked up the chick which seemed to like my hand in the end so stopped cheeping..... bad thing as I was left with it and the adult birds all disappeared. SO I opened up my hand a bit and the silly thing leapt straight out with a flutter and landed on the grass right in front of the dog (who had got bored being tied up and decided to join the party) . With one foul swoop he pounced and the chick disappeared! OMG I was thinking ... where is it? One look at the bulging jowls of the aforementioned canine told me all I needed to know =^~
I was so shocked and angry that I prised open the jaws and there.... sitting on his tongue was a ball of fluff going "Cheep Cheep Cheep!!!!" very indignantly.
All I can say is thank God for soft mouthed dogs LOL it was a moment that was suspended in time and absolutely hilarious. In my hurry to retrieve the poor little thing I didn't even think to take a photo, but it would have made one hell of a shot for the birding album!!!!

Araminta's picture

What a story birdie,you the "retriever".When it sang,cheep, cheep, could it have been B#? (insider joke!)



Nice one Araminta :D Love the story Birdie, almost like those in the movies! I remeber playing cricket a few years ago 2 tiny little miner chicks huddled up next to eachother on the ground, how I wish I had my camera! And what a photo that would be aye :)

birdie's picture

Yes it was very funny.... and in the end I placed it back on the top of a fence where its parents were flapping around again after I made it squeal again by not cuddling it tight! then it went for the swan dive off the fence but this time into someone's garden and the parents were there to look after it so I left it. I figured it had as good a chance in the foliage of a dense garden as it had out in the park at least.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

george's picture

could only happen north of the border.
lovely story,did fido get a extra smako.

birdie's picture

Hmmmm.... George he got a schmacko all right ... but not the sort you're thinking of LOL ... Especially when I saw the bulge in his face and realised where my rescuee was!!!!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Birdgirl2009's picture

What a hilarious story (but only because the baby survived)! It reminds me of a time long ago when our family dog sampled a baby bird that we had been looking after. I think the dog got your kind of schmacko (birdie) too! At least your baby bird lived to tweet the tale

birdie's picture

Hey Birdgirl ... it really made me think of this LMAO as this is just what it looked like

Sunshine Coast Queensland

birdie's picture

Just substitute this for Sylvester ....

He looks so innocent doesn't he????

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Birdgirl2009's picture

The dog looks so innocent!
THought you would like this - my daughter ordered shoes for our dog because there are so many bindiis around here we can't walk her on the grass

birdie's picture

HA ha ha Birdgirl that is tooo funny, and my daughter loves them
and she says are they "doggie converse"

They are bad up here too, my boy won't walk on certain grass verges

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Birdgirl2009's picture

Hong Kong specials. They just arrived today and you should have seen her walking, flicking each leg with each step. It is hard to get her feet into them and they are dropping off, so we'll have to work on getting them to stay in place

TweetyBird3's picture

Both are VERY funny! I love your dog with its shoes Birdgirl! Too cute! :')

Tweety, Queensland! :)

Trish's picture

ahhahah what a classic!

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