? one wife or two

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peterseaford's picture
? one wife or two

we are fortunate to number three magpies among the visitors to our garden
Found out from this forum that two were girls and the third was a boy.
They were all happy eating together until reviently when we notice that one female arrives to feed and that she departs when the other two arrive.
She shows no sign of fear - just separation and she will not eat while they are there.

Is it possible that the one cock has two hens and each would have their own nest.

would appreciate your advise



Kimbolina's picture

I have 4 magpies that visit every day although they belong to a group of 7. Out of the 4 magpies 2 are females, one being the mother magpie, then there is a young male and the father magpie. It may be that one of your female magpies is actually the daughter of the other female. I've noticed that the young female in my group doesn't often hang around with the mother magpie but more so with the father magpie.
I've also noticed there is a pecking order when it comes to magpies feeding. If the adult magpies are feeding, the younger magpies are to either move away or sit and wait until the adults are finished. This may also be the case with your female magpie that flies away? It's like they do this out of respect for the adults and if they don't they will soon learn, as the adults will not tolerate disobedience.

Tazrandus's picture

Hey Peter,
Various sources state that the dominant male of the group would mate with several females. The top of the heirachy usually consists of a dominant male with two female but it is not unusual for the male to have more than two wives. I used to have a cock with three hens visit my yard. Kimbolina's explanation for whether they youngs instead of mates stand true but yes it is possible and not unusual for male magpies to have more than one mate.


peterseaford's picture

thanks everybody - we are sad that they have not been back for a while - hope they come back again. it was wonderful when they called in



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