Grey Fantail

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alcatraz's picture
Grey Fantail

Have been keeping an eye on this nest for a few weeks now and at last have big news. Four little bundles of joy all packed into a nest about as big as an egg cup. Terrific parents have done a great job considering the heavy rain and wild storms we have had in SE Qld.

oconnore51's picture

these are fantastic pictures.  Parenthood looks like a very demanding job!



Awesome shots  - thats a great one of the parent flying to the nest. Four chicks is a bg family for those little birds to feed and protect. Thanks for posting these.

laza's picture

Fantastic shots

Really packed in like sardines

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

Devster's picture

Wow 4. I bet that is keeping them busy. I don't know how they fit 4 into those tiny nests. Great set of shots. Any news on how they are doing now alcatraz

alcatraz's picture

Devster wrote:

Wow 4. I bet that is keeping them busy. I don't know how they fit 4 into those tiny nests. Great set of shots. Any news on how they are doing now alcatraz

Thanks Devster,

About a week after these shots went back and the nest was empty. Checked the ground below and nothing. Can only presume that all is well. Cheers

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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