Has your koel already migrated north ?

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custard's picture
Has your koel already migrated north ?


I miss the koel which has been part of my life for the last few months.  Is your koel still calling ?

What happens to the baby koels ?  Do they migrate north with their parents or do they stay here with the parents who adopt them ?

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

Young Eastern Koel's migrate north, usually after their parents. They return as a breeding bird the following spring. In the Sydney area they leave in March/April, however where I live they leave a little earlier (due to the altitude/cold climate). The further south you go, the earlier they leave.

Where exactly are you? 

custard's picture

Thanks Owl for your very interesting answer.  So the Koel does care about their young, despite farming off to another parent ?

I live in the northern beaches of Sydney.

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

When was the last time you heard/saw a koel there?

Adult Koel's do not care for the young in any way as far as I know. By the time the young are ready to migrate northwards, they are independant - as I said they leave AFTER the parents. 

custard's picture

OK thanks for clarifying about the young.  They are a mystery to me.  I don't think I've ever heard a baby koel call.

The last time I heard a koel in the northern suburbs area was a week ago.

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

They should still be around, keep an eye/ear out for them. The only koel's I've noticed since I got back from holidays a week ago, are young birds.

custard's picture

Woo hoo !  I did hear a koel this morning, it sounded like a young one.

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

Ahh there you go still around smiley

roz5's picture

Hi All,

I haven`t heard any around here in a few weeks and I am in SE QLD.

I did hear and even see one both times I was in Macau but I have read they don`t migrate that far north. Can anyone confirm this?

timmo's picture

I heard some last weekend here in Brissie.


rawshorty's picture

Still hearing them in Canberra.

Shorty......Canon gear



pacman's picture

and I was still hearing Channel-billed Cuckoos last week


timrob's picture

We still have a Koel calling here in western Brisbane and I saw two Channel-bills in Beenleigh last week.

custard's picture

That's very cool everyone.

I haven't heard a koel for a couple of days (northern beaches of Sydney)

Owl of Kedumba
Owl of Kedumba's picture

I have only recorderd 1 Koel (a female) during the past 3 weeks in the Upper Blue Mountains, NSW. 

lfwood's picture

Saw my Pee-Wees baby Koel yesterday morning (in Brisbane), but the Pee-Wees are building another nest and didn't pay it any attention.  Hopefully the baby has started its long journey.

custard's picture

@ifwood, interesting !  Yeah, hope the baby arrives up north soon.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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