Help to ID this bird call - pre-dawn South Arm - Tasmania

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wes323's picture
Help to ID this bird call - pre-dawn South Arm - Tasmania

Can someone help ID this/these bird/s? There are two calls in the recording - are they the same bird?

I always hear them just before sunrise at South Arm in Tasmania. mp3 file at


UPDATE: I think the calls are from Noisy Miners. Manorina melanocephala leachi is the Tasmanian version, a particularly noisy version.

dwatsonbb's picture

Hi wes123 I think you have 2 bird calls of the same species. Can't quite figure out what, perhaps a cuckoo of some description? Will keep looking and listening, but calls aren't my specialty.

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

wes323's picture

Thanks Dale, yep, the calls always seem to come together, a call and response...

wes323's picture

more details

- the calls are most numerous at pre-dawn - very rare (but not unknown) to hear during daylight

- the calls come from wooded grassland areas at South Arm - have heard them at Bellerive foreshore parklands as well

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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