How to find emu wrens?

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youcantryreachingme's picture
How to find emu wrens?

I'd like to phorograph emu wrens.

The NSW wildlife atlas says that they were at least at one time in Conjola National Park, about 3 hours south of Sydney.

My questions are:

1) Does anyone know if they are still to be seen here?


How to locate them?

What sorts of habitat should I be looking for?

eg. near the beach?

In scrub?

Near creeks?

Are there particular kinds of plants to keep an eye out for?

Particular times of day?

Idenitfy them by call first?

Are they shy? Or are they pretty much like any superb/variegated wren in Sydney?

Are there locations closer to Sydney?


BabyBirdwatcher's picture

Try Barren Grounds or Buderoo. And look on Ebird as to where you can find them.

youcantryreachingme's picture

Hi BabyBirdwatcher,

I was hoping for Conjola NP as I sometimes stay near there. Thanks for the tip about Ebird - had not heard of it before.

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