This Robin looks different to the others in my garden. It has the prominent wing bars of a male Scarlet Robin, also the black throat. but no white forhead. But it can't be a Flame Robin, because their males have a flame red breast, abdomen and throat.
You have a look and tell me what you think of it? (the photo is not good, but I wanted to zoom in to show there is no white forhead.
I think it is a flame robin. Not sure why you think it isn't.
Because the male Flame Robin has a flame red throat, breast and abdomen, and the Scarlet has a black throat, like the one in my photo. And the Sarlet Robin has a larger white patch on the forehead, and the Flame Robin has a small white patch on the forehead. Have a look at that Greg.
Looks good for Flame Robin to me too.
Two Flame Robins should be good for me then Thanks
It sure looks like a flame robin to me, too, but where's the prominent white spot on its forehead? Does the white spot develop in late adolescence?
Have a good look at the difference between the Flame and Scarlet, in the Flame Robin the black goes from under the beak to the back of the neck. In the Scarlet the throat is black a lot further down, more like in this one. Sorry, I keep pointing this out again, but there is something strange(?) about this one, unless it is a Scarlet with no white foe=rehead?
Sorry, but it's look to be a normal Flame Robin to me, not that I've seen many. Perhaps in your photo, with the head down, it might be giving the false impression that the red breast doesn't go up close to the chin. You seem to be thinking if the bird lifts it head up, there will be a big gap between the bill & the black red border (as in Scarlet), but I don't think so. I also don't see any issue with the white spot above the bill, it looks normal for Flame Robin to me. Also supporting Flame, the red breast usually goes down almost to the legs, as in your photo, whereas on Scarlet, the red stops well short of the legs.
Thanks everyone for trying so hard , I think you make a very good point Steve, it might just look different because the bird puts the head down.
I'm very happy about this, now I have seen all the different Victorian Robins in my garden.