Heard a strange call this morning which (woke me up) I have never heard before, I ran outside and began creeping towards where I though the bird was, in a tree about 15 metres away. But was surprised when a bird flew away from the tree a couple of metres away from me taking the sound with it. Maybe if I had been awake from more than a minute I would've seen the bird but unfortuately my eyes were still getting awake, so know description or photo. The call: Had 2 notes one up and then one down sung exactly after eachother(and did not merge into eachother like a Koel's song) and then after about 1/2 sec repeated the same note in the same pitch of the first note he sung. Thew notes sounded kind of like when you click your tongue, if you know what I mean. Hope someone can help.
I have a video with the noise after I heard the bird later, anyone know a site I can put it up on?
Sorry mate I don't but I am keen to hear it.
G'day Amateur, this is a test of a site for downloading sound files (.wav). If it works the link below should take us to a pied butcherbird call.
Yes, it works. The site is www.zshare.net. You can download videos, audio files, etc. Use .... in your message to link to the file which will play automatically. Hope this helps.
Okay, ity's uploading now, it wasnt making the noise in the same pattern anymore but still making the same noise. You can hear it in the background, it's persistent apart from being occasionally sung over the top of by some peewees and mynas. Also going to add another call which I cant ID.
http://www.zshare.net/video/705986867a9b291d/ This is the bird call I described, you can hear it in the background going almost non-stop. Please bare with it as it loads, I forgot to trim the movie so it's shorter. It's a moive, not an mp3 file, didn't know how to change it.
And here's the other call which I heard a couple of moths ago, hope someone can id both these calls to a bird, cyas.
Saw the bird this morning sitting on my antenna for a couple of seconds before it flew off, it was quite small, had a grey/white chest and black or brown as an eyebrow (or supericulum or whatever it is) or mask/brow. Any help would be appreciated.
Mate I tried to open this link to listen to it but had no luck.
Tassie, the links work for me. Maybe you need to be registered as a user with zshare.net although I don't know why. Amateur, the call sounds familiar but I can't identify it at the moment. Sorry.
Here's another one I heard this morning, they're really piling up now... http://www.zshare.net/video/70685061ef88fcc1/ Hope you guys can view this, it was small, in a group of 3 and I nthink they might have had a yellow head with a grey body, unless the binoculars were playing tricks on me...
G'day Amateur, check out my posting in the Surveys and Interesting Sightings. In the thread "Blue winged parrot" i put a picture of a pale headed rosella. Could be your bird. Let me know what you think.
Movie 1, 2 or 3? I'm pretty sure it isn't a pale headed rosella, they don't come this far down south unfortunately and both birds which I saw in recordings are just a tad bigger then House Sparrows. Probably about the same size as a Red Whiskered Bulbul (about 20cm).