Hi everyone
From this morning, no real idea what bird this is.
It's about the same size as a Double barred Finch, but has a distinctive bill so I don't think it is any kind of finch.
In colouration it looks a lot like a smaller version of a Honeyeater, which is what I'm leaning toward. Thornbills from the Bird Finder on here do not appear to have the long tail which this bird has.
I could hear it singing above the sound of the wrens, and was surprised to actually get a photo of it.
Help will be very much appreciated
It always helps to give location. Could it be a white-plumed honeyeater?
Hard to tell from the pic but it could be a Silvereye?
Can you crop the pic and repost?
Shorty......Canon gear
Sorry guys - keep forgetting to give location.
It's Victoria Point, Queensland.
From what I can see, it doesn't look like Wikipedia photo of White-Plumed Honeyeater, and not a Silvereye because there is too much black?
I've done what I can with cropping, unfortunately don't know how to improve the photo otherwise.
It seems to be losing clarity with too much resizing so this is the best I can get it.
Have you any more photos? Even a bad one from a different angle, or with head turned might be helpful.
Was it close to mangroves, could it be Mangrove Gerygone!
Have you got a mobile phone, the voice recorder on most phones do an acceptable job of recording bird calls. Might be worth a try next time.
Sorry Steve, the only other photos (2) contain the bush and no bird (I've found lots of insects)
There are mangroves in the area, the closest probably about 2k away, so that's a definite possibility.The shape matches so I'll call it a Mangrove Gerygone for the present. With any luck it will come back some time.
Mental picture of me juggling the camera, my mobile phone and using one hand to drag the horse feed trolley has me in hysterics at present - even funnier when my mobile phone and I have a love/hate relationship. No idea how to use the darn thing other than make and receive voice calls.
Thanks for your help - have a great day!
I looked at it yesterday,(didn't have time to answer
) My first thought was Mangrove Gerygone, like Steve says.
my first glance I would say its a just common yellow face honeyeater
See it! Hear it!
Mid-North Coast NSW
Thanks Darin
Comparing my photo with one of yellow faced honeyeaters pictures on Wikipidea, I believe that it is one of these honeyeaters after all.
Yay - mark another one onto the ever growing list - I'm up to 52 different birds on the property so far.
There is at least one other smallish dove-like bird that I have seen several times now but not when I've had the camera with me.
My first thought was yellow-faced honeyeater, too.
Looks like a Brown Honeyeater mate.
Cheers, Owen.
I don't think it is a YFH. Brown honeyeater more likely but you need to see the back of it's neck.
Thanks everyone for your input.
I've been out again this morning to the same bushes, and today I found this honeyeater.
I don't think it is the same bird as above, this one seemed to be larger?
This one is definitely a honeyeater, but which one?
It has a yellow ear? area, white edges to the beak, and black head.
Lots of blurry photos - camera kept focusing on anything else but the bird
These are the best of the bunch.
This bloke is a Lewin's Honeyeater.
Cheers, Owen.