Finally I got to do some birding, went up on the Blackall range to Maleny. I didn't see anything too unusual but I enjoyed the time anyway. this little brown bird was the only one I couldn't really identify
Also saw these extremely loud and protective parents tending their very noisy young deep in the hollow of the tree. Bad picture as light was really bad but it was fascinating watching their antics as they tried to draw my attention away from their nest
Also saw cuckoo shrikes, wagtails, fantails kingfisher and this little darling who climbed down next to me in broad daylight
Hi Birdie,one of the Thornbills, but I'm not sure which, Brown maybe....
Ed Townsville NQ
Yeah I reckon you're right Ed, a brown Thornbill, he has faint rufous on his head and tail.
Birdie what was the cute little animal? a possum?
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
Yes Heva some kind of possum but I am not sure which one.
it's great that the little bird was a thornbill as I have never seen one before. i was so busy looking at the noisy lorikeets that I didn't even notice him hopping around me from branch to branch!! It had a speckly stripe on its chest
I'll load another pic after work today.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi Birdie, yes, be interested to see another photo. Weather is fantastic here in Melbourne so have taken off to Beaufort camping and birding. Already seen lots of purple swamp hens, there has been some almighty rain since I was last up here so a small amount of water in what was a dry lake and lots more bird life this time too.... watch this space...
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
This blurry little pic is one of a few failures that I managed when trying to keep up with this little bird .... they move so fast!
and one more of my little possum
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Love the shots of the possum, birdie.
I think the lbb is most probably a brown thornbill, imho.
aww sweet possum.
I know what you mean about chasing fast moving birds trying to get shots.... yesterday a grey fantail was practically dancing in front of my camera back to a branch... same again.... for about two minutes... do you think I could get a shot? nup!hopeless!
And then today, after creeping around after purple swamp hens for two days, trying to get close enough to get a good shot (almost successfully ex. my dog thought she'd choose that very moment to say "hi Mum" to me ... running along the bridge I was precariously balanced and poised for a shot....)
anyway, car n trailer all packed up with camping gear, ready to get in and purple swamp hens come strutting past.... one impatient hubby while I unpack tripod, camera gear and get my shot... but one happy ME!!
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
Thanks guys. I felt quite protective of the possum as I heard some noisy teenagers coming along the track and I just stood there looking interested in something else as I didn't want to draw attention to it. Made me realise how vulnerable they are once down at ground level. It was 4.00pm so I think he was just starting to look round for the evening feed as the light was getting low (hence the flash shots)If I had a tripod it would have been a lot easier to use natural light than a bird shot as he just sat really still for a long time!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
HI Birdie
I am new to this forum to me your little Thornbill looks like a Striated Thornbill good shot for such a small bird