Any ideas?

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Susy's picture
Any ideas?

Hello all,

I took photo of a beaut little bird while bushwalking near Gympie in Qld recently. It was a grab shot and he flew off as quickly as he flew in but I manged 2 quick photos through the bushes. I thought it may have been a Golden Headed Cisticola but I'm not very familiar with these. I have posted the photos at this site

Greatly appreciate any suggestions.

ed's picture

Hi Susy
Looks like it is a Tawny Grassbird

Ed Townsville NQ

DenisWilson's picture

Hi Susy

I believe your bird is a "Little Grassbird".
Not often seen, but frequently heard around swamps.
Eyebrow and beak shape look right.
They are skulkers int he reeds and any shrubbery. By contrast Cisticolas sit on top of reeds, etc and sing their little "buzzing" heads off. They also call when flying quite high.
Grassbirds call is very distinctive and travels well - a three note whistle - the last note is held longer than the first two.
Here is an image:
BiBY site has an MP3 file of the call.
Scroll down to the bottom right of the page and look for the call description and the MP3 link.

DenisWilson's picture

Hi Susy
Ed is on the case. Morning Ed.
I hadn't thought of the Tawny GB - it is a mopre tropical bird than I am familiar with.
So, now you have to choose between closely related species.
Birdpedia says the Tawny GB goes as far south as Wollongong. I had thought it was more tropical.
BiBY does not have a description of the Tawny GB.
Best of luck!
Please remind us of where you are located. Geography can help. Also, there might be a local birdwatchers group who could set you straight in a flash.
Or you could just settle for "Grassbird".

Susy's picture

Thanks Ed and Denis,

Looks like a tawny GB dosen't it. I live in Bundaberg but I took the photo on the outskirts of Gympie, about 3 hours south, near the Brooyar State forrest. A small stream was nearby also. Thankyou all for the great help. Greatly appreciated.

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