Bird Nest ID

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cooee's picture
Bird Nest ID

Hello everyone, this bird nest was sighted in Western Sydney Regional Park. I was wondering what it is, there are countless superb fairy-wrens and red-browed finches, could it be one of those. The photo isn't the best so I will describe the nest site. It was placed on a tree around 2-3 meters of the ground and where in a group of around 5 nests. There was no birds in them.

cooee's picture

Oh, I did it again! Can never get it to display full size! Sorry, to see full size you have to click on them. Stupid ImageShack...

Qyn's picture

To me they look more like the nests of a ring-tail possum colony but I don't claim to be any expert when it comes to id's.

Here is what I am talking about

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

Qyn's picture

Those are possum tails sticking out of the nest.

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

al's picture

Could be babbler nests.

cooee's picture

Maybe it is a Grey Crowned Babbler nest. I doubt it would be a possum because it is pretty small. I read that the grey crowned babbler make additional nest to serve as a communal roost, which may explain the multiple nest on one tree. But I have never seen a babbler there before.

timmo's picture

Although the size is hard to tell from the photos, I'd be surprised if it was a possum nest. Possums are very territorial, and it would seem odd to see so many in a single location.


Qyn's picture

If the nest is small the Babbler Nest probably is correct. However while possums are territorial to other possum groups, Ringtails live in family communal groups in nests - the Brushtails are solitary. I had two different trees containing up to 3 nests at varying times and they looked similar to that in the original photo but the nests were large. See attached link for some more info.

[link=]The Ring tail Family[/link]
[link=]possum nest[/link]

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

timmo's picture

Thanks qyn,
That's good info - I wasn't aware of that.
I was thinking mostly of brushtails, which seem to be more common (or at least more in-your-face) here in Brisbane.


cooee's picture

Very interesting Qyn. There probably are possum in Western Sydney Regional Park. But the BIBY website says that babblers make several nests of different sizes and that is what the nest looks like. I wil go again soon and take better photos maybe

soakes's picture

I don't see how this could be anything other than a ringtail possum nest - considering the possum tails!

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Andy's picture

Soakes, the possum tails are in qyn's photo, not cooee's photo.

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