Fairy Wren Id Please

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stevehapp's picture
Fairy Wren Id Please

Hello, I am having trouble identifying this bird.

I am reasonably sure that it is some type of fairy wren, but the blue around the eye has got me bamboozled.
Sorry the photo is not too great. Bad lighting is my excuse. doh!

Location was green point, Lake Macquarie, NSW.

steve happ

stevehapp's picture

Thanks Denis.

I was tending towards the variegated myself but am only a beginner at birding.

We do have superb fairy-wren and i have seen and photographed them at stockton sandspit on the Hunter River Estuary. Well I think so, imho.. Is this a female supberb fairy-wren?

stevehapp's picture

Thanks denis.
I have a lot to learn.. :)
steve happ

Holly's picture

Aahh my favourite little ones!

Denis, of course, is right on the money.

nick22's picture

nice photo stevehapp, it's very detailed and i always like a photo when the subject isn't in the middle.

stevehapp's picture

thanks nick,
I cropped it and placed it according to law of thirds..
I have photographed some more fairy wrens today and am once more confused. I cannot tell if this one is a variegated fairy-wren or a lovely fairy-wren, or something else??

Also is this a male in eclipse. There is some blue patches on the face.

It is difficult identifying fairy-wrens. It is a pretty complex subject for a noob. Thanks for all the help. I appreciate it very much.

marj's picture

Steve, you can often rule out some possibilities on range. I'm at work without books, but I think the Lovely Fairywren is found more often in the tropics.

stevehapp's picture

doh! I just looked at my book and you are right.
The location was awabakal nature reserve, dudley, in newcastle, so definitely not the tropics.
thank you..

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