Feather ID

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phoebe's picture
Feather ID

This may be an odd request but I've recently started collecting interesting feathers and am just curious as to what a few of them are. If anyone can ID these then that would be great :)

This one was found at Katandra Reserve on the Central Coast NSW

and these ones were found at Barrington Tops NSW

Gelmir's picture

G'day Phoebe,
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but collecting feathers of native birds is illegal.


Unless you have a permit - which is wrong - it should be it's illegally to kill a bird to get the feathers but if they are just laying there what's the harm - but i guess then they would say how do we know you didn't kill the bird - you know Australia is not the place it use to be - so many bloody politicians sticking their noses into our lives - soon there will be no simple pleasures left in life anymore

phoebe's picture

..that's the first time I've heard that..

phoebe's picture

Everything is illegal.

BryanT's picture

Gelmir is right, Phoebe.
Most of the time we don't think there's any problem to collect small things like feathers.
But under the Wildlife Act, it's illegal. The definition includes wildlife in any form; alive/dead, fresh/cooked/processed, any body parts/material/organs, tissue, eggs, and etc.
There are penalties, fine/imprisonment.
I assumed that's to avoid people from collecting or trading or selling wildlife/wildlife parts illegally.


Gelmir's picture

Phoebe, I understand why you may not agree with it. But it's there for the birds protection, and I don't see that as a bad thing.

Bourke's picture

Hi Phoebe,

I don't really have an issue with collecting a few feathers if your doing the right thing. I collect em but have no desire to trade or sell them (it's like twitching, it doesn't count unless I found it) and certainly not to kill birds to get them. I don't really show mine to many people in case it gives them the wrong idea. I reckon it could even be a positive thing if it inspires an interest in birds and conservation.

I think your feathers are most likely

1. some sort of bird of prey
2. feral pigeon (definitely)
3. wood duck
4. common bronzewing



phoebe's picture

Thanks Bourke. It's not like I'm picking up every single feather I see!
A friend from uni actually worked out that the second one is a topknot pigeon tail feather :)

Bourke's picture

Haha that'll teach me to say definitely.

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