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StuartM's picture

What is this bird

StuartM's picture

Found on wall in garden of house in SE London, England, tonight. It has been sitting on said wall from 5:00pm to 11:45 (gmt) to date. Looks like a pidgeon, but not one we have seen brefore. Possiably a juvenile, note distinctive head markings, possiably not resident. Any ideas?


A juve peace dove maybe?


Ahh wait, no I'm probably wrong, no blue markings round the eyes, and I don't think peaceful doves are even in England.

StuartM's picture

Hi everybody. My bird has been identified as a female Common Pheasant. It would have been easier if she had shown us her tail! We suspect it had come from nearby Royal Parkland, but why it chose to roost in a residential/urban area is a mystery.

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