Hi and Help Please :) My vet and a wildlife rescue worker are in dissagreement over the species of my latest patient. She eats insectivore and loves mince. She is becoming increasingly hungry and I need to know what foods to offer her now. Popeye doesnt respond to any of the fruits I offer her. I've had her for 4 wks now and the only thing both the vet and wildlife rescue worker agree on is that she can never be released due to a missing right eye, bungled wing and the fact that she has been handraised and is human friendly. (well, friendly to me anyways lol) I really would appreciate any help as she resembles many of the pictures I have found on google, of both Pheasants and Koels. She does however, match exactly the picture 'Marj' shows in 'Identification' (water-bottle bird) however there are slight dissagreements between Koels and Pheasants there too. She makes a baby sqwark to be fed or as a sign of recognition and the older she gets, she is starting to make a very loud highpitched woop kinda sound? Hard to describe.
Here is another picture of Popeye, taken about two weeks ago. The top photo was taken this morning.
Have a great day :)
Crikey, I am very sorry guys. Popeye doesnt match 'Marj' in 'Identification' at all. I've looked at so many pictures today I have confused myself. :)
She lookes like 'Sewel' in 'Identification' under the heading 'Unusual Visitor' but as you can see, she has more black on her.
Sorry again.
Have a great day :)
Hi Laurinda
It looks to me like a female Koel, but you right the Pheasant Coucal and the Koel are pretty similair.
Thank You very much for you answers, Max and Denis. I really appreciate your help. It's a relief to finally know what she is exactly. I've had a look at the photos you suggested Denis, and Popeye is very much the same. They were just excellent to compare her with. Now onto the mission of tracking down exactly what to feed her to keep her marvellously healthy :) Thanks again for the replies.
Have a great day :)
Popeye's lucky to have found such an excellent foster parent.
This is the young Koel raised in my garden.
BTW http://au.geocities.com/neg8eb_85/mypage.html are to Max's great photos - I posted them when he was having problems working out this forum's complex proceedures.