Hi there, have just joined and love this site, it helps me so much with identifying the birds I photograph. Yesterday I was lucky enough to capture this female Superb fairy-wren feeding her "baby" - a cuckoo, I presume. I found them at Laratinga Wetlands in Mount Barker, South Australia. Can anyone help ID the cuckoo?
Thanks! cheers, Barb
Sorry, I can't seem to get my image in the post - could someone help please?
try this link, I think it works
Hope this works.
Anyway my guess would be a Brush Cuckoo in a late phase of its progression to adult plumage and colours.
I'm wondering if it's a Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo, due to the stripe through the eye. Also, it appears to have the greenish plumage found in the Bronze-cuckoos.
However, I haven't checked the range of these cuckoos.
It's a lovely photo, Barbiejay. I took a few of a female Superb Fairy-wren feeding a juvenile Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo a few weeks ago.
Lovely catch whatever it is .
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Most likely a Horsfield's bronze cuckoo, Barbiejay. It's the most common cuckoo species in the Mt Lofty Ranges. The brush cuckoo's range extends to the very lower south east in SA.
Thank you Amateur for getting my photo to load, much appreciated! And yes Woko, my thought was it may be a Horsfields bronze cuckoo... thanks everyone for your kind comments!
cheers, Barb