albino rosella

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birdiee's picture
albino rosella

allthough are garden is very small we get loads of birds in ouur garden and i have just found a pale headed rosella nest. whats realy sweet is that she sits on the eggs while he watches over them on gard to make sure they are safe.
also i was wondering,as i was sitting in the garden i saw a white rosella of some kind, ihave no idea what it was and didnt get any pictures all i know is that it flys and sounds like a rosella,any ideas???


I was thinking maybe a corella or something, but otherwise it could be an albino or what I think is most likely and aviary escapee of some kind. Do you see it regularily or was it just this once?

birdiee's picture

only once, i no that seems dumb but it sounded esactly like the pale headed rosellas we had in are garden

i will keep an eye out for it and thank you it probebly was just a corella...

here are some photos of the rosellas in the garden :)



birdiee's picture

just wanted to say it wasmost likely a little corella, thank you for helping out :)



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