any ideas?

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heva1's picture
any ideas?

can anyone help ID this bird? By a lake in national park Vic. solo, quite stationary, about the size of a New Holland Honeyeater.

heva1's picture

oops forgot the photo! duh!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best


Gidday Hev the closest I can find to that is the introduced Skylark,markings are right,beak is right and so is the area.
Although I am not positive.


I'd go with that Tassie, seems right.

al's picture

Looks like a female Rufous Whistler to me ;-)


I'd go with that Al, seems even more right then a skylark. Here, compare these pics of a female rufous whistler and your bird, courtesy of some random blog site.


Or just check out Ed's photo from one of his best pics thread. Regardless, it's definitely a female golden whistler.

heva1's picture

yes, I agree a female rufous whistler. Thanks guys. Darn, now I will have to go back to spot the male!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

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