i'll try again

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SandR's picture
i'll try again

Sorry guys , still trying to work this out. Hope the big picture helps, thanks

SandR's picture

SandR's picture

SandR's picture

SandR's picture

SandR's picture

Windhover's picture

Your first appears to be a Rufous Whistler fledgling, the second and adult Grey Shrike-thrush and the last an adult female Rufous Whistler. Anyway, I don't know that much about bush birds so am more than happy to learn from someone else. :)
I suppose you are on the east coast?

Windhover's picture

Looking at the first one, the fledgling, it may also qualify for a very young Olive-backed Oriole because I am not 100% that the breast pattern is akin to a Rufous Whistler. The only other feature that throws me a bit is the bill, because the Oriole's is longer and thicker. But young birds take time to develop the adult features; including bill size and shape.

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