Hi there,
This is my first post in here but have been studying the BiB website for a while now as my new property has gotten me back into and my Japanese wife madly in love with bird watching.
Please excuse the ordinary photography but this is the best photo that I think will help you gurus with an answer here as it shows two of these birds and there colours well enough to ID. At first we assumed we had juvenile female king parrots visiting until the guy with the red wings rocked up.
Red winged parrot maybe? According to the website though the male red wings should have a black back. Ours are completely green though, maybe they are young males?
I hope the pic works. Standby for more dumb questions.
Thanks in advance
hmm, i'll try the pic again
okay, i'll try a shrunked version
Welcome, no such thing as a dumb question...ask away.
Everybody seems to have trouble downloading the correct size from photobucket. The maximum width for this forum is 500 pixals. Try Flickr, they have a choice of download sizes, one of which is medium, this is 500 pixals wide. (assuming the uploaded picture was bigger than 500pix)
I have had a look at the full pictures on photobucket. They are Red-winged Parrots, the female/young bird is showing a lot less red than most field guides show, but I have at least one (field guide) showing a bird very like your photo. The other bird is the male.
Your other photo on photobucket (blackbird) is in fact a Spangled Drongo.
Ed Townsville NQ
Thanks Ed,
That was my next question actually. I can't wait to tell my friends and relos in other states that I had a couple of bloody drongos on my new property!
I've now got a flickr account and I'll see how I go with a medium pic.
The pics I took later this afternoon definately makes them out as red wings.