I cant seem to work out which this is?
I am thinking Brown Thornbill but its missing striations on cheek.
But it does not really fit into Brown Gerygone either.
I am stumped.
Location: Glenrock Lagoon, Newcastle.
Could you help id this bird, please.
thornbill or gerygone
Wed, 29/07/2009 - 04:28

thornbill or gerygone
Hi Steve
It looks just right for a Brown Gerygone to me.
Apart from anything, the pose is exactly right for the photo in the BiBY site. I know pose is a mere incidental, but some birds have a certain habit about them which can give those little extra clues.
Gerygones tend to have red eyes, so that's a fit.
Relatively short tail is good too.
It doesn't have the heavy striped throat of a Brown Thornbill and most importantly, it lacks the tiny scallop, marks on the forehead.
Remember the voice is very different.
Light calls vs deep throated call of B. Thornbill.
Also it is a hoverer (often) whereas the Thornbill is a bird which jumps and climbs around inside the lower levels of the shrubbery, looking to pounce upon insects.
Denis Wilson
Thanks Denis, I suspected the Brown Gerygone, but did not want to convict him without enough evidence..
He was hovering a bit at times..
Hi Steve
It is always the little behavioural things which give them away.
Denis Wilson
Hey Steve, lovely shot.What a poser!
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best