what bird is that ? blue eyed

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lukasz's picture
what bird is that ? blue eyed

recently i've recorded a video in my garden with this amazing blue eyed bird


lukasz's picture

That's a female satin bowerbird, love how close the video is! You might want to keep an eye out for a male which is the same except a black/purple colour. You might even find a bower :)

al's picture

Amateur, not all green birds are female.
If you look at the colour of its bill & the eyes you can tell
that this bird is an immature male.
. ( “<...> _( „)___(‚‚ )_ Cheers al
. //...........\\

birdie's picture

Hey Al, never would have picked you for an e- doodler... very clever!

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Oh right I see it now :) I was wondering what those random lines and stuff were! Thanks for the correction, but what exactly do you look for in the eyes and beak that indicate a juvenile, is it lighter or something?

raysimula's picture

What is that bird eating? Ray

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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