I stumbled on this site a few times while looking for bits of information and thought I'd join. I've not been in the country long, but I'm starting to get to grips with the birds fairly well.
I do a spot of bird photography as well and keep a website going on the subject:
Hopefully, it'll get a bit better now I've got a better camera.
For a guy that hasn't been in the country long you'vew certainly got some cracker shots on your site! Very impressed looking through your photos of Australian birds and did you write that book? Very impressive stuff mate, look forward to seeing you in the forums.
I've been slowly improving on my photography (although the technical side of it is still lost on me for the most part). And yes, I did write the book. I'd been living in Switzerland and one of the best reserves was on the border between the French and German-speaking parts of the country, so I had to get to know bird names in two new languages.
My birding site: http://www.tonykeenebirds.co.uk
Well, there is always room for improvement, but you'll find it hard to do so considering your so good. Your site has already been added to my favourites :), love the new White Faced Heron photo, you certainly are good at creeping up on birds.
HI Colonel do you only use your own photos to paint from?
I love your artwork. I would kill to be able to paint like that! My mother paints flora in watercolour and she is unbelievable, adn I can draw but have never learned how to handle the brush well.
congratulations on your website it was very interesting and the art was my favourite. I loved the Great Tit best. it is fascinating seeing how you transform an ordinary photo and location to a surreal painting.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Generally, I try to work from photos I've taken, but being in Europe means that you get bored of drawing in shades of brown quite quickly, so I started working from pictures on the internet of more colourful birds.
On the rare occasions I paint (the kids don't give me enough time now), I use acrylics as oils are a faff and watercolours are a bit wishy-washy for me. Pencils are good for working quickly, though.
My birding site: http://www.tonykeenebirds.co.uk