Hi Guys,
I am visiting friends in Sydney for three weeks from Krissie Eve until 10th January. Though my girl friend lived here for a long time and has a passing interest in our feathered friends she is not what I would call a birder, unfortunately neither are her relatives.
I have ringed birds in most of Europe and at some time or other seen most birds of the Western Paleartic. Now 62 something is stirring in again, I would say the realisation that almost every bird I will see in Oz is going to be a first, the old twitch is resurrected :-)
Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi from Scotland
Sun, 09/11/2008 - 19:20

Hi from Scotland
My advice? Enjoy! Australia has a fantastically diverse array of birds.
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Thanks for the advice soakes,
I am absolutely sure I will enjoy it.
Spending quite a bit of time reading Birds of Australia on the bus backwards and forwards to work...mouthwatering stuff indeed.
Bill Alexander
Hi Guys,
Came back for a look after a couple of weeks as I am due to leave Bonnie Scotland on Tuesday early.
Would say I am just a little bit disappointed by the response from fellow birders, then again maybe the birders in the Sydney area are just a little shy? :-)
Yours in birding
Bill Alexander
Hi Bill,
I'm in Brisbane, and have been to Syndney only very briefly (for a non-birdy purpose). Are you staying exclusively in the Sydney area, or will you have a chance to travel around a bit?
The Blue Mountains (in NSW) might be a good place for you. Gang Gang Cockatoos can be seen there. If you want to see a gang gang, go early in the morning (I've posted elsewhere in the forum regarding my disappointing search for the gang gang).
Also, visiting the coast will probably give you a great chance to see lots of shorebirds.
I'm sorry you had so little response to your original post. Perhaps you could post a message in the "general" forum, with the subject heading indicating that you are looking for birding spots around Sydney.
Also, maybe you could have a quick look through the other forums to see if there are any threads regarding birding in Sydney. I might do the same, and will post another response if I find anything.
Thank you very much for your response Andy
I am hiring a car for a few days, with the intention to go up to the Blue Mountains.
Having a problem with the lack of pelagics while in Sydney between 27th Dec and 8th Jan.
I would appreciate if any fellow birders have any info on making me a happy chappy :-).
Best wishes
Bill Alexander
Well I have learned a new word now, pelagics! You can tell I am an amateur at this stuff. But I was wondering if you had seen this lionk to those who specialise in these? Or is the problem just that it is the wrong time of year for it?
Hoep you have a nice stay in Australia , you surely can't find a place more beautifully endowed with birds!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
G'day Bill,
Sydney has quite a few really good places for birds, and it all depends on what sort of birds you're after.
I'm not too familiar with the southern part of Sydney, but the northern, and western parts have some really good spots to see birds.
The Royal National Park south of Sydney is suppose to be absolutely fantastic for birds. I plan to get there one day, as everyone who I know who'se been there says it's really good.
Western Sydney has quite a few good spots.
Homebush and Mason Park - Good for birds such as Red-necked avocets, Black-winged stilts, Glossy Ibis, Royal Spoonbills, Teals, Red-kneed Dotterels, Black-fronted Dotterells, Honeyeaters, Sea-Eagles, various Sandpipers, Godwits, Variegated and Splendid Fairy wrens etc.
Pitt Town Lagoon - Great for waders, such as Stilts, Coot's, Swamphens, Various Ibis, spoonbill, Sandpipers, Red-kneed and Black-fronteed Dotterell's, as well as the Spotted Crake and the ever shy and elusive Baillon's Crake. That area as well is very good for Raptors such as Goshawks, Little Eagles, Sea-eagles, Kestrel's etc.
There are other area's around Windsor that offer great birding opportunities as well. Check out Mitchell Park where the Bell Miners are very vocal. As well as numerous Honeyeaters, Kingfishers, White-headed and Bronze-cuckoo doves, Pardalotes, Gerygone's, Leaden Flycatchers, Rosella's, Lorikeets, Parrots and other woodland birds.
Here in the North of Sydney we have a few good spots for birds. There's Warriewood wetlands. A good spot to get up close to some Sacred Kingfishers, and even the odd Azure if you keep your eyes open. You'll also find Golden Whistlers, Royal Spoonbills, Dusky moorhen's, Purple swamphens, Teals and Pacific Black ducks, Tawny grassbirds, Red-browed Finch's, Glossy Black Cockatoo's, even the Eastern Whipbird will let you get a good look at them if you're lucky enough, and also various raptors flying overhead.
Long Reef is great for migratory birds like Red-necked stints, Grey-tailed Tattlers, Great Knot's, Double-banded Plovers, Ruddy turnstones,Pacific Golden Plovers and the odd Oystercatcher.
On the right day you can see Shearwaters, Australasian Gannetts, and the odd Black-browed Albatross of the reef. Also a good place for getting up close to Nankeen Kestrels.
You'll also find plenty of Crested and White-fronted terns, Great, Little-black and Pied Cormorants.
Also at the moment we have a nesting pair of Peregrine Falcons and Osprey. The Falcons chick is flying, and from what I'm told, all 3 off them will head off pretty soon, as with the Osprey with has 3 chicks ready to head off as well.
Whilst there are more spots to see birds, like the Blue Mountians, I hope this helps a little bit with getting you off in the right direction.
If you need some more info, or want a guide, just let me know and I'll be more than happy to help you out or if time permits, to show you around the Northern part of Sydney.
Oops, that Great Knot at Long reef should be a Red-knot. :^)
Hi Gelmir that is absolutely brilliant a wealth of great knowledge.
BTW I will be staying over at Chester Hill from 26th Dec until 8/9th January.
Phone number there will be 0061296446949 if you or any other birders feel charitable.
Taaaa much,
If any of you guys are over in Scotland please contact me, it's what we do :-)
Yours in birding
Bill Alexander
Hi Adrienne,
Thankyou very much for your response.
Of course I will be very much of an amateur trying to ID the Aussie Birds, makes a change for me as I love to show off my European knowledge to adults and kids, especially the kids in the hope that some of my love of nature will rub off on them.
One of the most rewarding things from one of my own was, "Remember when you used to drag us out into the glens and forests dad, well I appreciate that now "
Best wishes and happy birding,
Bill...who feels like a kid with a new toy, before I have even arrived :-)
Bill Alexander
G'day Bill,
I might take you up on your offer. I'm heading over to the UK in June/July 2010, and I'ld love to get some first hand info on birding spots over your way.
How about a trip to either Homebush or to Pitt Town Lagoon/Mitchell Park just after new years?
You can email me at
and we'll sort out the time/place etc.
G'day Bill,
I tried giving you a call today, but couldn't get through to you.