Lesser Wanderer Butterfly

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shoop's picture
Lesser Wanderer Butterfly

For those who know me on Facebook will already know how excited I am today at getting another butterfly to mark off my list . I have seen this butterfly the Lesser Wanderer for the 3rd day in a row now and have finally had the opportunity to capture it , and that was after I had a major attack of excitement and panic combined. I was so shocked at seeing it fluttering right next to me the excitement had me running round in circles..... then sheer panic as my front door was locked and my camera was inside. Got a few photos while it rested on the pole for about 20 seconds then it was gone. 

Woko's picture

Nice, shoop.

shoop's picture

smileyThanks Woko 

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

shoop's picture

smileyThanks Woko

oops repeated that sorry, not use to the ipadfrown

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Lovely photos. So you obviously have at least two obsessions, birds & butterflies smiley

shoop's picture

Most definitely...and insects are so bad either , but have to invest in a macro to get the results worth while . smiley 

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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