Little and long billed corella

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sedie's picture
Little and long billed corella

These Corellas were seen amongst a large flock of corellas in Logan, South East Queensland. It's giving me a headache trying to distinguish the two haha.

sedie's picture

Here is another picutre i took 10mins previous. I'm inclined to think that the proposed corella in the first pic is actually a cross between the two. However the corella on the left in this pic looks like a Long Billed to me. I'd love to hear other opinions. These photos were also taken at Tygum Lagoon in Logan QLD for further information.

Devster's picture

Yeah these do my head in too. An easy way I have found is that than the Long-Billed has a longer thinner bill (while sounds easy enough to identify, can sometimes be hard in the field or even with some photos)

It also has a very bright red patch between the bill and the eye, whereas the Little only has a little red if any.

The Little Corella has a mainly white chest whereas a Long-Billed has a salmon mixed in.

With this in mind:

The first photo is of a pair of Little Corella's (smaller bill, white chest, a small amount of red between eye and bill.

The second photo the rear bird is definately a Long-billed but I think the front is a Little due to a larger crest, less red between eye & bill and a more white chest.

Below is a photo of a couple of Long-billed Corellas which really highlight the differences.

Hope this helps

HelloBirdy's picture

I think-

1.left little right LB

2. left LB right little

I don't know how to distinguish hybrids

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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