Miner ID

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Matt1788's picture
Miner ID

I took this photo of a Miner near Wilkawatt,S.A. in thick Mallee scrub. I have ID it as a Yellow throated Miner?, any comments on ID are appreciatted. I only managed to get one quick photo before it headed into thicker scrub.

Thanks Matthew

Steven.McBride's picture

It looks good for Yellow-throated Miner, but I'm not familiar with Black-eared Miner or if Black-eared is possible in that area.

Matt1788's picture

The Black eared is recorded in this area, and is currently on the endangered species list for the area, i have seen the Black eared miners and they are always in "gangs" of up to 15 birds and frequenting more open areas, this bird was by itself and in thick Mallee scrub.

Thanks Matthew

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