Perth Trip Part 1

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Devster's picture
Perth Trip Part 1

Here are a few birds I managed to get on my recent trip to Perth. I managed to get 11 new species which I though was pretty good considering it rained almost the entire time I was there.

White fronted Chat - A new bird for me. He was very obliging.

Laughing Dove - I know its an introduced bird but still a new tick for me.

Western Gerygone - Another new bird for me.

Red-Tailed Black Cockatoos - A new bird and this pair were very cooperative

Silvereye - Not a new bird but the first time I have seen them on the ground out in the open like this.

Pied Oystercatcher - Again not a new bird but I liked this photo as he allowed me to get faily close. They appeared to be eating the washed up bluebottles on the beach.

laza's picture

Fantastic set Dev, glad you had some success here in the west 

Love that Chat photo, funny enough I only just ticked that one off my list last month and I live here :)

That Redtail couple is an absolute beauty 

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

Devster's picture

Thanks laza. I should have given you a call. I was staying with a mate in Yokine are you near there ar all?

The Chat was very lucky. When we went to Rottnest, the person I went with was on a tight budget so they didn't want to spend money on buses or hiring bikes. We ended up walking 25km that day! Where I found the chats was near the lakes and the golf course, which if riding or catching a bus I would not have visited therefore not have ticked off my list.

Termite's picture

thank you for these beautiful pics - the red-tail one is breathtaking - oystercatcher my next favourite :)


Wonderful set of photos devster. That does look an unusual habitat for a silvereye - at least to eastern eyes.

Agree with the others that the red tailed cockatoos is a great photo. Love the chat tooo - wonderful pose you captured.

Devster's picture

Thanks Termite & WD. Yeah the RTBC & the Chat are my favs too

HelloBirdy's picture

Great set Devster - looking forward to Part 2

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

laza's picture

Good stuff Dev, im actually from Bunbury down south.

Next time you over, head down there and I show you where the Redcaps fly :)

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

alcatraz's picture

Great set Devo! Love the red tails.

Devster's picture

Thanks alcatraz & Ryu.

Ryu I hope to put out part 2 at the end of the week, still processing photos.

laza if I go over again, I will be sure to contact you.

freedomknight's picture

Love the White fronted Chat, I've not photographed one yet and I live here.

Cheers Keith

Perth, West Australia

Devster's picture

freedomknight wrote:

Love the White fronted Chat, I've not photographed one yet and I live here.

Thanks Keith. Got this one on Rottnest near the lakes and the golf course

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