Rainbow Lorikeets vs Pale-headed Rosellas

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sundew13's picture
Rainbow Lorikeets vs Pale-headed Rosellas

I have posted here sporadically over the years about the lack of success the pale-headed rosellas have had using a nest-box on my back deck.  This year unfortunately has also ended sadly. A pair of rainbow lorikeets have attacked, killed and tried to take over the nest box which had 5 twenty-five day old rosella chicks in it.  The chicks were only 10 days from fledging yet the parents couldnt seem to be able to protect them from this aggresive pair.  I had a peek inside the nestbox and it is a complete disaster area.  I havent cleaned it out as the rosellas are still coming in when the lorkeets are not on it and maybe they need to see it, I dont know.  I am tempted to remove the box as it has caused nothing but heartache for me over the years as I hope with anticipation every spring when the rosellas start checking out the box that it will end with success.  This year I thought it would and was counting down the days to fledging. 

I do not feed any of these wild birds as I do not wish to encourage the lorikeets as they have in the past entered the nestbox when mrs rosella was in there and trampled the eggs. 

I worried about snakes and rats getting the chicks but didnt expect them to be killed by lorikeets at that age.

timmo's picture

Oh, that's really sad news, sorry to hear that.

As someone who has had nest boxes up for the rosellas in the past, it's disappointing to hear that even if they do use a box it may not be successful.


pacman's picture

that is very disappointing for you and for the Pale-headed Rosella pair


Woko's picture

Yes, I can tell how distraught you feel, sundew.

With so many nesting hollows in so many places suffering so much destruction the importance of nesting boxes can't be over estimated, especially if the boxes are kept clear of Starlings, Sparrows, Indian Mynahs, European Honey Bees & any other pests you might care to name. 

Sundew, would it be feasible for you to put up several more nest boxes so that the pressure on the Pale-headed Rosellas from the Rainbow Lorikeets might be reduced?

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