Raptor ???

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laza's picture
Raptor ???

Snapped this raptor through forest canopy at bit of distance.

Was wondering if it was a Juve Little Eagle as it doesnt look to be  a Whistling Kite which are usual raptors in the area

Thanks for any help

pacman's picture

I suggest a Square-tailed Kite, always best to provide the area where you saw the bird


laza's picture

Mea culpa and cheers 

It was a Tuart forest on outskirts of Bunbury on south west coast of WA

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

muz1970's picture

I agree with Pacman,  Square-tailed Kite. I have only once seen them here in the Tuarts around Stratham and that was a few months ago.

A good spot for sure

laza's picture

Cheers Muz, I have to my eyes open when Im in that area

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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