Re-linking Photo's

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Annie W
Annie W's picture
Re-linking Photo's

While the topic of hosting sites is fresh.....Between my woops, Photobuckets scrambling of links then changing to Flickr, a lot of my old photos have gone from the site.  I'm happy to leave the old posts as they are, no dramas personally, but I did wonder if there was a way I didn't know about, that would allow me to relink the photo's, without bumping up the post (which relinking seems to do) - and I'm not about to do a mass bumping that's for sure laugh.

Holly's picture

Hmm - I don't think so. Any edit I think will just bump the post up.


I think it just gives you an excuse to post them up again whenever you like laugh

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Lol, yes, no-one will ever know when they were taken now (insert evil laugh) smiley.  Actually, I'd love to see (one day down the track) posts stay static, in date order - that way you could comment & reply & relink to your own thread to your hearts content without any bumping laugh. Thread subscribing, and the unanswered & new/updated topics tabs, plus the new & updated highlights next to each thread, help keep track of things anyway.  Just a personal view, airing a thought - I'm guessing there are other more important fish to fry with the site at the moment! 

West Coast Tasmania

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