Sacred Ibis Annual Survey on Sunday...

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Sacred Ibis Annual Survey on Sunday...

If you have some time to spare this Sunday the 28th of October, you may like to participate in the Ibis survey which is conducted each year by the government to gauge the movement and population of these birds.

I participated last year and found it very rewarding, the best time to conduct the survey is from around dawn onwards or towards sunset when the birds are most active feeding etc.  Take your bincoluars to record leg band details too which provides more details for the survey.

There is also a link to a pdf file that helps you indentify Ibis with colour rings on the legs and plastic numeric tags on the wing.

Have a look at:

Raven's picture

Did anyone bother to do the Ibis survey today?  I did, was out of the house on daylight and went to two popular Ibis roosting areas near here, logged 67 birds.  After lunch went to another location and logged a further five.

Out of all those Ibis only logged one with a leg band, many juveniles, they have had a good breeding season this year.  The Ibis survey helps the government to monitor population levels and tracks the movement of the birds.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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