Satin Flycatcher

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rawshorty's picture
Satin Flycatcher

Just would like comfirmation, sorry bad pic midday sun and way up.

--8077 by rawshorty, on Flickr">--8077 by rawshorty, on Flickr

---'s picture

I'd probably pick Leaden Flycatcher, purely based on what I've read/seen online.

pacman's picture

it looks more blue than grey and therefore I would suggest Satin Flycatcher;

it is obviously singing to you so you should have determined based on the callwink


Lachlan's picture

It does seem to have a purplish- blue sheen to it below its eye. Dunno how diagnostic of Satin Flycatchers that is. 

And cameras can distort colour sometimes...

rawshorty's picture

Thanks, everyone. I have listened to the calls of both and now have no doubt it is a Satin. Although i did not get any good pics what i saw through the eye was glossy black not grey black.

Shorty......Canon gear


ihewman's picture

Probably THE most daignostic physical features between Leaden and Satin Flycatcher is at the breast band and the undertail. And we all know that colour is not a reliable ID feature. And apart from the dimorphic calls, you can usually make a positive ID by looking at these two features.

The breast band (where the colour meets the white) in a Leaden FC is curves upwards, like a smiley face, which makes the angle of the breast band and the folded wing acute... get my drift? Whereas in Satin FC, the angle of it's breast band and the wing is obtuse, as it curves downwards.

In Satin FC, the undertail is noticeably darker than that of a Leaden FC.

So, just by looking at your photo, I can conclude that the bird is a Satin Flycatcher.

Brandon (aka ihewman)

Lachlan's picture

Colour not a a reliable ID feature? Since when? 

Or are you just talking about flycatchers?

I still think it is appropriate, as it is the sheen of the feathers that is visible, rather than base colouring. 

ihewman's picture

Sorry Lachlan, I was meaning to refer to Leaden and Satin FC in general as lighting easily affects the colour of a Leaden FC... the problem is that, in too little light, a Leaden FC can look darker, and in too much light they can also look dark as the shining feathers make the bird appear darker. This can also be the case in other birds with similar species.

Brandon (aka ihewman)

Lachlan's picture

Oh, Ok, sorry about immediately going for the jugular. sad

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