I thought I'd try my post under a different forum category in case people have missed it.
Hello Biby people,
I just wanted to test the water to see if there'd me much interest in people getting together for excursions to select spots for birding/general nature hikes.
I'm someone who likes to join photography and hiking walkabout groups through sites like flickr or meetup, and thought I'd see if there's enough interest in forming a social group of like-minded people who enjoy getting out to special birding and nature spots. I would like to make it a focus on locations being accessible and not too far from central Melbourne if possible.
So I'd like to hear any thoughts from anyone who would perhaps like to share their local patch with others or get around to investigating a new one.
One idea I have is heading out to Smiths Gully. On Saturdays there is a community bus that does a circuit between Hurstbridge Station to some of the nearby townships including Smiths Gully. There's some good patches of bushland there and the area is one of Melbourne's Powerful Owl hotspots if anyone is yet to see this fantastic bird. I've only been out there once and, although there were no Powerful Owl sightings, I got some great photos of an Owlet Nightjar.
This is an idea in progress, so I'd like to hear if there's some interest or feedback from others in Melbourne, regardless which direction of the now sprawling city you're in.
- Graham
Sounds interesting Graham and would love to hear more. I also participate in meetup photography walks and belong to about 3 groups.
Selby, Victoria
Thanks Kathie,
Please, let me know if you are aware of any existing or similar meetup groups. I've joined a few hiking groups on meetup, but they're either a bit inaccessible - as I've got limited car access - or they're booked out before I realise. I was in some good groups in the UK and I'm keen to continue on back here. But I can't remember seeing one that flagged birding/nature.
So I thought I'd see if there's enough interest in forming one and I'll go ahead and do so. As I said, I'd like to make it accessible - a train ride to your area provides some great spots for example. There's also some great spots nearer to town like Yarra Bend and I got my interest in birding over near Williamstown for a spot over in the west.
If you can suggest some photography groups though, please let me know.
Thanks for the interest :)
Graham Harkom
Melbourne Bird Photographers
I checked but you're right, there isn't any listed for Melbourne. But that's no reason why we can't start one up. I have a Melbourne Nikon Lovers group I run (fairly new) as a result of being a member of Nikonians.org. Perhaps I could start up a Melbourne one. Or you can start it
What shall we call it? And yes, I agree, that walks should be in easily accessible places. Although I know that at least one of the groups I belong to do look at carpooling for those who don't have their own vehicles.
Selby, Victoria
Thanks for your input and help Kathie. I'm all for the carpooling too - I had a great excursion where a nice young Spanish couple picked me up in a left-hand drive Citroen for a trip to Welsh waterfalls.
As for a name: Melbourne Birding Explorers, Beyond the Backyard Birders, Melbourne Social Birders Group...? Hmmm, I'll think about it during the day, but I'm happy to hear some suggestions from others and any other feedback such as any spots that people have as their local patch or perhaps spots that people would like to check out, but haven't gotten around to.
Please Melbourne birders let me know if you're interested and any other thoughts..
- Graham
Graham Harkom
Melbourne Bird Photographers
Maybe even just Melbourne Birders as you have at the title of this thread. Looking forward to seeing who else is interested. I'm sure once it's up on meetup you'll draw in others who aren't members here and probably don't know we exist
. Another great way to grow this forum.
Selby, Victoria
Sounds like a nice idea Graham, my question is:
I suppose you are talking about a bird watching or spotting group?
One you would need some very good (expensive) binoculars for? When my husband and I go birding at the Werribee Treatment Plant , as in taking photos, even for just two people it’s hard to get close to any birds. We usually take turns who gets out of the car, because sometimes even opening the car door chases flighty birds away. Five or more people is almost impossible in my opinion . We don’t talk, keep our distance, use hand signs or split up and meet later.
So what would the group be aiming to do?
Hi M-L,
I am just trying to promote people to get out and about to experience different spots around Melbourne where there's prospects of finding finding birds you maybe haven't seen, or just enjoying a different patch of nature. As for the high-end binoculars et-al, I'm wanting to keep it casual and not too serious - I haven't replaced my binoculars I lost a few years ago and my decent camera lens is somewhere on a ship somewhere on it's way here. Yes, groups can get too big, but it's early days and if it looks like getting too out of hand there's opportunities to cap excursions or split groups. I suspect that people will largely favour their side of the city.
It was an idea that grew from me thinking about a few spots that I wouldn't mind checking out and wondering if anyone else would like to tag along to experience the same - nothing too scientific or serious.
Thanks for your thoughts,
Graham Harkom
Melbourne Bird Photographers
I've been out on a few walks with the Knox Photographic Society. If the group has been big, then we've split up so there are 4 or 5 together, sometimes less. There are always those who want to socialise and they tend to dawdle behind the serious ones who are keen to get some good shots.
I was at Cloudehill with a group of 40, just 3 weekends ago. Yes, a big group. But we did split up to all corners and in between the gardens there. I got stuck with one lady who was loud and a chatterbox but thankfully she moved on when she saw someone she knew. Then a guy connected with me and we went in pursuit of some lyrebirds and was successful - because we moved slowly and quietly and scouted in different directions. Was a worthwhile meetup and lots of fun too. We met in groups at some cafes afterwards sharing notes and then later shared our images online.
Selby, Victoria
Sounds good
Thanks for sharing Kathie.
Groups such as this occurred all over the place in Britain. I learned a lot in my time over there and have come back with an attitude of 'why not here?' where we have so much more to get out and investigate, learn about and enjoy.I've been in groups where it's easy enough to split up and meet up later at a cafe or pub if desired to chat and share tales. I've no desire to go flushing any rarities or such.
I'm open to any feedback and suggestions, but I thought it would be a good way to get people out and about sharing their patch or seeing a new one, adding a new bird (or incidental mammal/plant) to your photo collection perhaps.
Graham Harkom
Melbourne Bird Photographers
I love the idea Graham and am definitely ready to be involved. I love the excuse to go out with a group of people (small or big) to get some bird shots in, and a cuppa after that.
Selby, Victoria
Birdlife Melbourne is easily available... even if you are not in for serious birding they do plenty of beginner and casual birding outings. However, if this group goes underway, perhaps if all members take turns on taking each other to where they want to go birding, which might be in different parts of Melbourne.
Brandon (aka ihewman)
Thanks Brandon - that's generally the approach that I want with the group. We can only see what level of interest there is and we may even make some birding converts along the way.
- Graham
Graham Harkom
Melbourne Bird Photographers
Hi Brandon, not heard of them. I'll go check them out!
Selby, Victoria
The good thing about having it on Meetup.com is that Meetup will promote the group for us. Much better than trying to promote it outside of the forum as collectively we might only pick up a person here and there.
Selby, Victoria
So, we have 10 members there now! Apart from Graham and myself, I think all the others are 'new' to us, although I know one of the guys through another photography group. Our first meetup/photowalk is on August 17th.
Selby, Victoria