Sometimes names and Avatars intrigue me. I was asked before, what "Araminta" stands for, and I explained, that it is the name and titel of one of my favorite books,"the last voyage of the Araminta". The Araminta was the name of the boat in the story, and I just love the sound of the word. One name started me thinking about names, -Shaka- (from Shaka Zulu?) Then I noticed, that Shaka's bird images are signed Ezra. Is that pointing to the "book of Ezra"? The judean high prist, that led them from Babylon to the city of Jerusalem? This might be the wrong thing to ask, because often people like to hide behind a name on a forum. But still, I would like to know, what's behind some of your names on this forum? I want to apologize to Shaka, for using his name, didn't want to offend you. I was just so faszinated by your name. Marie-Louise
My forum name is another name for the Australian Kestrel. A raptor, falcon who strikes down the weak. My true Christian name actually means white falcon that I find rather appropriate for I love nothing more than my birds of prey and those mysterious owls. :) See the meaning of my name here (it's number 5):
I have a rather interesting story. I didnt know what the signature was so I just put down my real name. I put cooee becuase I liked the picture I got and the name matched because it is a koel bird also called cooee bird. When I figured out what the signature was I didn't change it because I wanted to see if people would figure out why I wrote cooee. I very much like koel birds and there calls so I will keep cooee and the signature name and eveybody can call me what they like.
Hi to all, when I started this, I didn't think anyone would answer, thank you very much! Akos, I have to tell you, I have investigated the origin of your name before. Did your parents give you that name, because they were interested in birds, or were you interested in birds because of your name? Either way, I love the sound of the word.(it has some mystique about it) Cooee, I have to admit,I didn't see the connection, mainly because you don't find koels down here.From now on I will call you "cooee" Thank you, I hope more people are going to tell their story!
My parents had/have no clue about birds other than sparrows and pigeons perhaps. My late mum told me one day she just gave me that name straight after I was born. I always loved animals, but my real fascination with birds began about eight years ago and even more so since I began photographing them about six years ago. BTW my name is pronounced as arkosh. No rolling of the 'r' though. :) I know, weird, but that's me.
Morning Akos,weird......, that makes two of us!! Thanks for the information ,how to pronounce your name.Again, I tried to find out before, I rang my cousin,at school he took Latin, Greek and French.(I only took French,Latin,English and German) I thought it would be pronounced like in Greek?! I like to get things right, unfortunately that doesn't happen very often! We are going to the "Tennis " today. The place where people have problems to pronounce names. It drives me up the wall,when they try to say "Monfils",in 20 variations! Have a nice day!
Ah Hungarian the 's' is pronounced as an 'sh'. To get the English 's' sound we put s and z together to make an 'sz'.
I always found that people whose first language is English struggle with pronunciations in many instances. Probably because English is such an odd language with no clear rules in many instances. I have indeed only met one English speaking person, who happens to be a vet who can pronounce Latin names as good as Europeans can. Most English speaking people pretend it's to be pronounced as if it were written in English and I often get funny looks when I pronounce more appropriately. Now if you were to learn another language, would you not want to find out how to say the letters/words? LOL!
Well there is nothing interesting about my forum name is there? I just thought it was cute! (and obvious)
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi everyone, just came home from watching the Tennis. Blisters on my feet,sunburnt and with empty pockets, because everything was so expensive. But my husband liked it, this is the one day of the year,he can do some "bird watching" He tells me, he spotted some "white capped, long-legged, pink-chested, fast running birds". Unfortunately he didn't get close enough to get some good photos! Anyway, his version of events. Birdie,about your name,you are probably as cute as your name! Talk to you tomorrow.
Hi Araminta,
Well...ironically, neither of us is Edward. 'She' was our cat, who is no longer with us. She has an email identity which is used to protect our privacy on the this habit is lived on beyond her!
M & D
I have been Huxter ,a shortening of my surname, since my school days in the 60's ,and being born on Sept 9th ,have used Huxter09 for email addresses and forum names since the mid-90's.
I love the nicknames and avatars people use online .I visit quite a few forums and have made some good friends ,some of whom I now know personally but some will always be "Cornonthecob" or "Wintry" ,"tiddlypom" or "desugarcube" .
I've called myself after the genus of Australian hawk owls. I used to only have a small interest in tyto owls but then I went on exchange to Germany and after looking throught my host family's field guides I thought that European owls were awesome. Since then I've respected Australian owls a lot more and have also found out how little is known about then. hmmm... filling in those gaps may be a possibility for the future...
Wow... I must have one of the most boring forum names on BiBY. "Andy".... because my name is "Andrea".
....well, a "boring" (?) forum name can be a good disguise. I used to think you were a guy! ( there could have been a quick sex-change ?? LOL ) Nothing boring about that!! Disregard that, I have seen your photo, no doubt,you are a girl.
Yes, I occasionally forget that people might think I'm a guy. A year or two ago when Birdie and I were trying to organise a birding day, she said something like "I'm sorry, but I have to ask - are you male or female?"
I'm not sure that we can change usernames, so maybe I should make an avatar that shows a picture of me, just in case it makes a difference when I'm trying to organise another birding day with other ladies! It might help if they know that they're not going to meet a strange guy in the mangroves. (Just a strange girl... hee hee hee.)
...uuuhh, two strange girls in the mangroves...., let's stop here now.hee hee hee!!
Yee ha!
AT least when the new Forum gets underway it may have personal messaging and you can ask embarrassing questions like that in private!!! " excuse me...are you a girl...and are you strange???" LOL
Sunshine Coast Queensland
In this day and age you just don't know who's what! LOL! :)
But Birdie, where's the fun in that?! Those are the entertaining questions that should be shared with everyone!
I am starting to worry about you Andy...and to think I went into the woods with you LOL
Sunshine Coast Queensland