Last week I walked around our place and our street to see what was about. The Noisy Firarbirds and Brown Honeyeaters were everywhere. I also decided to take a trip up to Mt Glorious early Saturday morning to see what was about. I didn't see the Russet-Tailed Thrush or Pitta (Did hear the Pitta once though as well as a Catbird) The Wompoo tree was in action again with about 7 of them in it. For a colourful bird they are hard to spot. There was another tree with about & Brown Cuckoo Doves in it as well. The Regent & Satin Bowerbirds are the first I have seen up there for the season. The male was calling from high up in a tree but couldn't get a decent photo of him. Hope you enjoy!
Kooky getting ready to pounce.
Noisy Miners doing some sort of
Noisy Friarbird in flowers
Brown Honeyeater
Pale-Headed Rosella sitting on our fence
Wompoo Fruit Dove up at Mt Glorious
Borwn Cuckoo Dove @ Mt Glorious
Eastern Yellow Robin @ Mt Glorious in typical pose
Satin Bowerbird @ Mt Glorious
Regent Bowerbird @ Mt Glorious - Possibly young male
You have got some beauties there Devster. - great work.
I love the noisy miners - both caught mid squawk! Were they angry at something on the ground?
The noisy friarbird is a cracking shot - just perfect.
Thanks WD. The Noisy Miners were doing some sincronised squawking but not at anything. I though it may me a part of courting behavior as it was different from their usual teritorial squawking.
Great set Devster. The Noisy Friarbird is a stunning shot! Well done!
Thanks heaps alcatraz
The colours on the Wompoo Fruit bird are amazing. Lovely photos.
Thanks Elizabeth. I do find them quite striking.
The Friarbird and Brown Honeyeater take the cake for me. Great habitat shots where the other elements really complement the bird. Always satisfying getting a good distinction between clean background and some interesting elements alongside the bird.
The colours in that honeyeater shot are just right. So Australian it hurts. I wouldn't be able to stop myself cloning out that little bit of OOF leaf in the top right though, haha.
Another great set Devon and magic to see the young birds.
Absolutely fantastic set Dev
So many new ticks there for me
I really like the pale headed Rosella photo
Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well
Great selection there Devster, quality shots.
'The colours in that honeyeater shot are just right. So Australian it hurts. I wouldn't be able to stop myself cloning out that little bit of OOF leaf in the top right though, haha.'
Sorry i was trying to use the 'quote' button. Just responding to detritus' words!
The Australian bush and its colours are indescribably beautiful.
Beautiful photos and I especially love the fruit dove photo.
Thanks Mike. Yeah I can't believe I missed that OOF leaf, I'll get right on it.
Thanks Rick. Yes always good to see a new generation of birds coming through
Thanks laza. I love how everyone different birds appeal to different people. i do love the PH Rosellas. We get them every day. Which would be new ticks for you?
Thanks heaps Brian
The Australian bush and its colours are indescribably beautiful..
I agree Elizabeth, I just love the Australian bush!
Thanks Amson. They are certainly very colourful
Great shots. Wonderful birds.
Awesome set, especially love the Wompoo Dove
Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera
Thanks Dmenace & Ryu