A Song Thrush?

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bettycollerson's picture
A Song Thrush?

This young bird was perched on the powerlines by my house in Wilston, Brisbane, last Saturday. I had never seen one like this before, but my research makes me believe this is a thrush and possibly a Song Thrush. Could any one comment?


teganb02's picture

Juvenile Australaisian Figbird (Sphecotheres vieilloti) - not a thrush but a member of the Oriole family

Tegan - Melbourne Vic.

zosterops's picture

In Australia Song Thrushes are only found in Melbourne, where they appear to be slowly dying out. 

Devster's picture

2nd Juvi Figbird

bettycollerson's picture

Thank you everyone. So a Juv Figbird it is! I had not seen one like this in our area before.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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