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Just a general warning to all of the newer forum members, who may not have had the misfortune to come across these people, ignore any posts with links that look spam like, as you can see Anyuta is showing a perfect example, and crops up reccuringly, just ignore them and they'll be removed as soon as possible, but don't click the links!! :)

koalagrrl's picture

Isn't it a shame! A person would think they were safe from being harrassed by this sort of thing on a BIRD WATCHING forum. Admittedly I did use the word "naughty" on my post about Striated Pardalotes.... (which, by the way, have laid two dear little eggs in the bottom of my flower pot, and I am now anxiously awaiting developments.


In fact, I find it pretty amusing that if you copy the text posted, it comes up with other forums the user has spammed on under the same name :) So maybe you could try this if something doesn't look right with lots of links scattered through it...

Just a quick question Holly if you can answer it, can you only block accounts or can you block IP addresses?

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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