Crow Corrobaree

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hillfarmgirl's picture
Crow Corrobaree

Or more correctly Raven Corroboree perhaps.
Yesterday, there was an awful din, almost deafening! Literally, hundreds of crows/ravens wheeling around in the sky cawing their heads off.
They did this for about 30 minutes then broke up into small groups and flew off in all directions.
I'm on a lucerne farm/goat dairy which backs onto Paradise Range, a mostly cleared and grass section of grazing, high country. There are always lots of crows/ravens here. I think Raven because they have pale blue eyes and build untidy nests in the trees around the farm.
My question is why did the birds flock so noisily together in such huge numbers? It's not like they intend to gather to migrate because they are here all the time.
Of course, you only see them normally in small groups following the tractor as it ploughs or cuts lucerne.
I know some of you will say there are no good crows to have around as they are preditors/carrion eaters but I have heaps of tiny birds around the place too. Lots of tree cover in the gardens and in the grazing areas.
Hope someone can answer my question.
Many Thanks


I have actually seen the same thing but I do not know why they do it.
Maybe Denis can help with this one?

hillfarmgirl's picture

Thank you for reply to me, Tassie. The birds all seem to have gone back to daily activities now. I wondered, as they are scavengers, if they'd found and animal carcass to feed upon in that area but checked and there is nothing there. And its too early for the nesting season.
They were quite peaceful - just swirling in a big, high vortex and were so noisy. The chap from the next farm reckoned there was at least 1,000 birds involved.

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