Large grey honkers

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content_import's picture
Large grey honkers

I've had lots of inquiries about a very large grey bird that flies overhead making a raucous, honking noise. It seems that the Channel-billed Cuckoos are around in force this year.

lyrebird60's picture

As a large grey bird myself (hopefully not a honker) I am interested in the Channel-billed Cuckoos. I am watching a pee-wee that I suspect is keeping a honker egg warm.

Holly's picture

Will be very interested in hearing how the pee-wee nest develops

Susanlhl's picture

The large gret honkers in my neck of the woods are Suarus Cranes and Brolgas! Lol!


Susanlhl's picture

The large gret honkers in my neck of the woods are Saurus Cranes and Brolgas! Lol!


lyrebird60's picture

The pee-wees raised little pee-wees, not little honkers. However their nest slipped off the branch when water-logged and deposited the young on the ground.
In another area of Bicentennial Park a pair of Pied Currawongs are feeding 3 Channel-bills. We have photos of them eating berries, figs and cicadas. The currawongs look exhausted.

marj's picture

The are quite a few Channel-billed cuckoos feeding in the figtrees in Maitland Road, Newcastle including a number of juveniles.

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