Noisy Miner on song

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VernJ's picture
Noisy Miner on song

Hi Guys, we live in the midst of a surbuban Noisy Miner clan.

The 100-200 square meters that is their patch has hosted numerous hatchings all through summer and has continued into May.

The tall trees in our back yard have hosted clutches or more correctly groups of fledgling cousins, perhaps 6 times this season. Each clutch of 2 to 4 are attended by 4~6 aunts and uncles.

In the "Noisy Miner" enforced absense of most other birds, my wife and I tend to follow their progress with some concentration. The latest cluster of 3 cousins contains one bird that has found a voice that I have never heard before in quite a few years of active listening. It sounds a bit like the quite chatter of Grey Butcher Bird.

I will attempt to load the .WAV file in my next post.

VernJ's picture

Hi again. Being the Techno Ludite I have not been able to work out how to post a sound file. Can any body help please? VJ


VernJ's picture

So here is the sound byte I recorded earlier today:


VernJ's picture

Oh dear the dreaded Typo, Sigh!

So here is the sound byte I recorded earlier today:



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