Unusual lapwing nesting site

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clamb55's picture
Unusual lapwing nesting site

On outskirts of Hobart we have been observing a pair of masked lapwings/plovers mating and nesting on our neighbour's (flat) roof. They are now sitting on eggs and we have been speculating about how the chicks are going to get on the ground!!
I know of geese nesting on roofs and the goslings jumping down (or even catching a ride down the gutter downpipe - but plovers?
Anyone seen this before?

leafylindfield's picture

I have a pair of Spur Wing Plovers nesting on the roof, 3 flights above the ground for the past 10 years at least. The chicks remain on the roof for several days up to 7 depending on the weather. Then the adults encourage the chicks to jump. This can take 24 hours. The chicks launch themselves out and down. About 50% survive. The adults then guard them and guide them on a course which is the same every time. This year mine are determined on their usual route, across Gillies St and right into an enormous construction site. Previously this site was composed of workmen's cottages and derelict gardens. The adults are hardwired as to route and have made no changes to reflect the current conditions.

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