White Pigeon with Feathered legs

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magpie's picture
White Pigeon with Feathered legs

An all white pigeon/dove with feathered legs has been sitting on my roof at home for 30 minutes now. It seems tame compared with the local pigeon population.

I know there are no natives with feathered legs, could it just be an escapee captive bred? Or some sort of exotic migrant from a cold climate??!

Holly's picture


This will be a domestic-bred pigeon that has escaped. They do breed them in all sorts of shapes and sizes.


magpie's picture

Well i hope it survives, I imagine it would have no real idea how to find food?? Poor thing.

Here is a photo, its really pretty.

magpie's picture

oops photo too big but you get the idea.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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