nest building

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bushanwater's picture
nest building

Saw a pair of Dusky Moorhens building a nest at Baldwin Swamp on the weekend. They had just started construction when one of them swam away and after a short while the other followed. then a couple of minutes later two swans that showed up saw the partly built mound and started building it up themselves. They to swam away one at a time after a while so we left. We came back about 30 minutes later and they were back building up the mound again. I will have to go back and check again during the week.



So who's nest is it? Or is it like the Rainbow Bee-Eater nest in which the 'communal' birds apparently help dig the hole for the nest.

bushanwater's picture

I'll let you know what happens.

See Yez

birdie's picture

That is kind of cool Trev, I wonder who will end up there?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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