rainbow bee eaters?

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sewal's picture
rainbow bee eaters?

Recently, while walking my dog at 5 am (QLD time)I have seen a small flock of birds sitting on overhead power lines. Because of the early morning light it is impossible to identify colours but they have a long thin beak and a thin tail shaft. If, as I surmise, they are rainbow bee eaters, then this is my first sighting of this bird. The area where they were sighted is a light industrial area near a creek.


bushanwater's picture

Thin tail shaftS would make me pretty sure they are bee eaters. Listen for the call, nothing else sounds like it.

See Yez

sewal's picture

I now have some very fuzzy photos that confirm that they are rainbow bee eaters. Interestingly I have seen them as I satrt out on my walk at about 5.15 am but when I am returning home about half an hour later they are gone.



Hey Sue, did they have ears??? lol.
Seriously I think Bushy is on the money they are obviously roosting nearby.

sewal's picture

I decided to add a couple of photos. Not very good quality, taken early on a cloudy morning. The flock was perched high on powerlines. Just good enough to identify. The first one has to be the couch potato of the bird world. Why waste energy chasing breakfast when, if you are patient, it will come to you.


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