Welcome Swallows

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Woko's picture
Welcome Swallows

For the last three weeks or so between 30 & about 90 Welcome Swallows have been perching &, apparently, hawking for insects on & from the power line which crosses our valley. Mostly, they perch over our neighbour's pasture but occasionally they perch over our native vegetation & in a dead Casuarina on our property. This is the highest number of this species which I've seen anywhere & the three week old persistent presence of this population of Welcome Swallows is curious. To me, at least. 

After watching this phenomenon for some time my hypothesis is that the insects are being born up our valley on persistent south easterly winds during the last three weeks or so from the two dams in our valley, both of which have held lots of water &, I would imagine, are providing a good insect breeding ground. 

I'm wondering if anyone else has observed this sort of event in relation to Welcome Swallows or any other bird species. 

GregL's picture

I've often noticed welcome swallows and fairy martins hanging around dams. This week there were some fairy martins at one of my dams - i see them there occasionally but not very often. the seasons have been very strange lately so I wouldn't be surprised by strange behaviour from birds.

Welcome swallows can be a real pest if they decide to nest in your shed.

Woko's picture

Or under your verandah!

Yes, Welcome Swallows & Fairy Martins are often flying around & across dams in my neighbourhood but I haven't seen huge numbers around the two dams in our valley, just the occasional five or six. 

This morning I noticed that there were no Swallows perched on & flying to & from the power line & there was no wind. This afternoon there were 8 & there was a moderate south easterly blowing. 

Woko's picture

Winds have shifted to the north east & north west. Most of the Welcome Swallows have shifted, too, with only about five or six flying around & none using the power line. 

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